The aim of the course is to establish fundamental anatomical knowledge about the passive and active parts of the musculoskeletal system, which serve as a basis for acquiring further natural science and sports-related subjects. By completing this course, students will be able to synthesize the components of the musculoskeletal system in a complex manner. This subject serves as a foundation for Anatomy II, taught in the second semester. Understanding the course material may be supported by high school biology, particularly the sections related to the structure of the human body. There are no prerequisites for enrolling in the Anatomy I course.
- Oktató: Faludi Judit
- Oktató: Mészárosné Dr. Seres Leila
Félév: 1. sem.
- Oktató: Sipos-Onyestyák Nikoletta
Kurzus típusa: Gyakorlat
Szervezeti egység kódja: TESMD
Szervezeti egység neve: Sportmenedzsment Tanszék